Are you looking for Childcare in Mesa County?
Mesa County Partnership for Children and Families hosts our local childcare database called BridgeCare that allows you to find childcare that fits your family. You can search by open availability or a specific need such as a CCCAP provider. Create a family profile to save your favorite selections.
Do you need to make a report?
Some situations require teacher, parent, or community member intervention to ensure the safety of children. If you need to report violations, concerns, or suspected child abuse or neglect you can use the information below to help you report.
Report a licensing concern:
Call 1-800-799-5876 (Colorado Department of Early Childhood)
Report suspected child abuse or neglect:
Call 970-242-1211 (Mesa County Department of Human Services)
Report a health or sanitation problem for a child care provider:
Call 970-248-6900 (Mesa County Public Health Department)
Child Care Regulation
The health and safety of all children is the utmost priority for Mesa County PCF and we encourage all parents to be fully informed before making child care decisions.
You can access child care licensing reports and child care health reports for all licensed providers by clicking on the links below.
Different Types of Childcare

Universal Preschool
Universal Preschool is a 9 month tuition credit that is given to your provider for every child the year before Kindergarten. Tuition is credited for 10-30 hours based on provider selection and qualifying factors. Provider participation varies by location. School districts, childcare centers, charter schools, private schools, and home childcare providers can all participate in Universal Preschool. This is a tax funded program from the State of Colorado.
All families of children ages 3 to 5 are encouraged to apply.
For more information, to browse providers, or apply for the program visit upk.colorado.gov
Have more questions? Contact a Childcare Navigator for assistance and information or visit the Colorado Universal Preschool’s website
Child Development Resources – (Click links for more information.)
The Playbook (English) – Learning Through Play for Colorado’s Families and Caregivers
Manual de Juegos! (Espanol)– Ensenanza a traves del juego para familias y educadores de Colorado
Colorado Early Learning & Development Guidelines (English)
Colorado Early Learning & Development Guidelines (Espanol)
CDC Developmental Milestones for Children 2 months to 5 years old (English and Espanol)